Hey guys! Thanks for reading...I hope you are well and keeping sane with the current media/ news on the Corona Virus and global climate.
I have been asked numerous times for natural tips on how to stay healthy while boosting immune system and avoiding chemicals as much as possible. Last I heard, hand sanitizers and disinfectant sprays are flying off the shelves and selling like hot cakes and to be honest not the best way to "protect" yourself if thats your main goal. Chemicals are filled with harmful toxins and must be avoided unless you feel its necessary to disinfect things. Wash your hands and clothing often and stop fearing germs and viruses. Where our attention goes energy flows and germs, viruses, and bacteria are a part of our eco system and not going away anytime soon! Tomorrow is not promised to anyone and just remember God is our ultimate protecter and we are so blessed to have things available to us that we can use to help and empower ourselves. So what can we all do? When you look at boosting your health you must start with inside out and for this reason alone- I always look for root cause healing and we truly must focus on the immune health first. Below are my suggestions on how to stay healthy and be prepared for anything..see if you feel these suggestions align with you and speak to you. 1) Really pay attention to what are you eating? Hows your nutrition? Foods from nature (not packaged), are the best ways to give our bodies optional fuel. Research shows a diet rich in fruits and veggies builds a stronger immune system and can help you recover faster if should you get ill. Make sure you rotate a variety of colorful fruits and veggies and try not to overcook it to leave the beneficial nutrients intact. Raw is best but many people cannot digest them properly. TIP: Always buy organic as this way the foods you consume aren't sprayed with chemicals and pesticides. If you aren't able to always buy organic follow the dirty dozen and clean 15 guide linked below. https://blog.givingassistant.org/dirty-dozen-clean-15-list/ 2) Health isn't only found in what you eat. What do I mean? What we consume on a daily basis- listen to, watch and read or even having toxic thoughts also effects our health and immune system greatly! If you are constantly watching the news and going into fear mode or protection mode from some fear "out there", My 'go to' questions to ask yourself are, "Does having these thoughts serve my soul", or "Does this make me feel good or for my best and highest good"? If the answers are no, then there is no space for it. Its basically just consuming your vital life force energy which can go towards other wholesome things. Be mindful of the news and trust you will have the answers when you need them. Trust your internal guiding system and if you're truly in danger you will know what to do! 3) Exercise is so important and can be fun! Move your body! A minimum of 30 minutes per day is a must for adults. Walk, jog, do yoga, or a fun dance class and find what works for you by creating a weekly plan. Once you start following it you will feel so good knowing you're accomplishing your daily/weekly goals and showing your body how thankful and appreciative you are of your divine vessel. 4) Start to get curious about essential oils for immunity! Oils are compounds from herb plants and fruits, and a must have in my health tool box for all kinds of health issues and yes, even viruses. Some oils I highly suggest are Melissa, Yarrow, Rosemary, and Eucalyptus. Each one of these carries unique benefits and you can use them in your bath tub, water diffuser, or topically with a carrier oil like jojoba or apricot kernel oil. Try to buy organic if possible as our skin absorbs the oils and is the largest organ we have. 5) Some of my favorite ways to help my family is taking the following supplements: Check with your health practitioner or doctor before started new protocols. *A high quality Vitamin C (liposomal is best) as it protects the immune system from free radicals and also a major antioxidant. *B complex- Many are deficient in this and having a lack of B vitamins can greatly affect the nervous system. *Liquid Zinc- Lets face it our soil is depleted in zinc and its a crucial supplement as it helps the immune system fight off invading bacteria and viruses and helps our wounds heal faster. *Trace minerals are also a great option as they contain multi-minerals often in just one supplement which is convenient. *Propolis throat spray is a natural spray from Bee's and one I highly suggest to keep in your bag and especially for air travel. Its great for sore throat and to stop an onset of any cold symptoms. *Colloidal Silver- specifically sovereign silver. Its a must have for your immune system and you can use it as a mouth wash, treat burns, topical cleaning agent, and you can also add it to a steamer and inhale it to kill bacteria and viruses. There is a lot more information online. I suggest you look into this one and read the science behind it. *Elderberry- I cant say enough great things about this medicinal berry. There is tons of research online and you can take it daily for general precautions or just few times a week. I have never gotten the flu shot and never plan to due to using some one these powerful natural remedies that Mother nature has provided us with. *Garlic water! Its cheap and its amazing. The key is to crush the garlic and let it sit for a few mins to ignite a bio-active component allicin. Allicin is an amazing anti-viral which is known to fight bacteria as well as viruses. Start small with one clove, crush it, let it sit and drop it in water. I usually do this at night if need to and swear by it! 6) Stress is a huge component when it comes to your immune health. Some ways to manage stress on a daily basis is writing down three things with a pencil that you're grateful for. Buy a specific/ special gratitude journal and keep it next to your bed. If you can do this morning and night research has shown it yields optimal results with anxiety and depression. Also you can slowly incorporate a daily meditation practice. Even 20 minutes per day of mindful meditation is highly beneficial to calm and regulate the immune system, sharpen the mind, and reduce blood pressure. For further information or specialized health coaching assistance for your individual needs, please visit my website at www.Depthfuljourney.com and book a consult. Thank you for reading and I wish you the best on your health and healing journey. Blessings, Sonya
So many people today are suffering with invisible autoimmune illnesses such as fibromyalgia, hashimoto's, celiac, RA, and ulcerative colitis to name a few. Physical signs and symptoms of these diseases often go unnoticed.
I heard from a friend today who also has Hashimoto's. She forgot to take her thyroid meds in the morning and had such severe brain fog. She forgot what she was doing at work and was completely disoriented and spent hours crying. Most of us have gone to several MD’s still feeling untreated with what the deeper root of our issues were. Western medicine generally only looks at, "what can I give you to fix this" or "bandaid the issue" which is a short term fix. Don't get me wrong, medicine can save lives and helps people live longer, but there are a lot also short and long term side effects to consider. We are complex beings and only addressing one thing won't get to the root cause of the issue. Contrary to my previous beliefs, I don't think its always the doctors fault that they simply are behind with up to date functional medicine research, and often don't have enough time to spend with each patient. Most are trained to think logically and not spiritually. I mean realistically how many doctors ask..."When and how did this issue start"? If you are reading this and dealing with any health issues simply ask yourself what the root cause is? You can do this while meditating or going out in nature alone, but first set an intention on what you wish to receive clarity on. Most know the root cause, but in my opinion cant see a way out. In my personal journey the above standard care did not help me at all, and on top of that I was accused of being depressed and to get on anti-depressants because my labs looked "OK", and I didn't have any weight issues per my endocrinologist so I might as well be depressed because there wasn't another diagnosis to through at me. Keep in mind I suffered two miscarriages while in this MD's care and she didn't even order up to date functional labs on me, which I came to know of later. Needless to say, most traditional Endocrinologists are still abiding by an outdated scope of practice by relying on basic lab results verses how the patient really feels! That day I clearly remember leaving the doctors office without having any of my questions answered, and instead of crying I felt motivated and on a quest to find my own answers. Looking back I am so glad it happened, because I learned to rely on my instincts and dig deeper for answers. I cannot imagine where I would be now if I listened and got on those pills. We are our own best healers and the answers are closer than they appear. After being introduced to holistic, naturopathic, integrative, and energy medicine along with changing my diet, my views shifted greatly. It seemed like there was no hope, but over the years and extensive commitment to my health, I tried all of the above and started feeling better! I was giving my power away to the person in the white coat all the while Im the one who has lived and been in my body not him/her. Looking back in retrospect I believe I tried all those different healing modalities to find what really worked and the ones that really benefitted me. Like many others who have experienced transformation through personal crisis, I truly feel motivated to continue my education and explore the latest emotional and spiritual based modalities to be able to use in my own practice. The difference between traditional and the integrative system is that these methods work in metaphysical layers and go above and beyond the meridian system to find the root triggers, and very often the main culprit comes down to a leak in your energy system or past trauma's that are unsolved and manifest into a dis-ease. A lot of our discomfort also comes from stress and programmed negative thinking which gets embedded inside our cells and creates a big disconnect. We have to learn to listen to our bodies. Each cell has an intelligence and is always speaking. We just need to tune in to our innate wisdom and let it lead the way. Due to looking inward and using alternative therapies like energy medicine and meditation I have seen drastic changes in my whole (physical and emotional) energy body. The books "Heal your body" and "You can heal your life", by Louise Hay were game changers for me as well. They are simple yet profound reads for anyone dealing with health challenges. I especially love the decoded metaphysical descriptions of illnesses which you can easily find online. I have spent the last 4 years researching endlessly on the mind, body, and spirit connection alone. I have learned and can say with certainty that at the end of the day we are our own best healers. I feel like I have come so far and truly feel blessed waking up now and look forward to a new day and ways I can be of service to help others. We have it all within and once we connect to our inner wisdom and intuition we can unlock our healing potential and - expect miracles to happen! I am a certified integrative health coach, and am taking clients now! Thank you for reading! Stay tuned for more blogs on diet... These will be tried and true tips from yours truly! Love and Blessings, Sonya Its a beautiful, humid yet rainy day here today.
I went on a nature walk with my hubby earlier and a few things were coming up so prominently... The theme was around limitations based on fear programming and wanting to break free which is exactly what this Full Moon in Sag is bringing to light. For me its been a lot of fear around eating certain foods..A few years ago I removed some major things out of my diet while working with my Naturopath like eggs, dairy, and wheat which greatly calmed down my system down as result of my thyroid being 'out of balance'. In retrospect I understood that it had to happen for spirit to align me with my soul path and to up-level my physical vessel. This took a few years and no I didn't heal overnight, but I started feeling better and better and symptoms disappeared, yet it made me a control freak. I had to meal prep daily and if going out to eat I had to double check the menu ahead of time. So this year one by one I started incorporating the healthy foods back in on the 'avoid' list like avocados, almonds and bell peppers, and started to break free from the chains of limitations. Plus, I really missed almond butter! Many time labs will trigger high allergen in your blood if you eat the foods too often. So general rule of thumb is to maintain a balance and not eat the same foods daily. Every four days is suggested per this independent food allergy testing lab. Working on the mind, body, & soul approach is crucial and I truly didn't leave any stones un-turned. This was a part of my path and I coach people in all these aspects now. So fast forward to today I was thinking about a few items on those food labs that I stopped eating! Was there an external reaction? NO! I just followed the labs and not my body, and made myself a control freak. TBT is something Im already pretty good at and the thing about control is that it keeps us trapped. It keeps us from truly experiencing life and the miracles ahead because you're operating from your mind in a state of restriction, and not allowance. So while on this walk I kept thinking of being free and what freedom really looks and feels like. One of Rumi's poem kept coming in my mind. "Why do you stay in prison when the door is wide open". You see as a child my spirit was so free...the one vision in my mind thats always been so prominent was always running through fields of sunflowers on a bright, sunny day...care free, and not a worry in the world! So today there was a huge empty field where Dogs often play/ roam and I took of my shoes and socks and started running. I laughed, I cried, and said "I AM FREE" a few times with excitement. I truly felt liberated and funny enough didn't step on any turd. LOL I honestly wouldnt have cared if I did because I as walked back to Hubby I saw some not so pretty images on the grass. That would have been hilarious nevertheless! We are here to face our creations and we can change things! As we evolve out of the confinements of our self created structures true liberation is knocking. This may not be a big deal to some, but imagine all those things that are keep you trapped from living in the moment or maybe trapped in your own self created limitations? Its time to stop making decisions out of fear and trust ourselves. Take the leap! If I can so can you. So for this full moon you can affirm the following: "I AM, MY I AM I am now calling back all pieces of me and releasing everything of the past that no longer serves my present." And so it is! With Love, Sonya New moon in Virgo…The Virgin.
It's been an intense couple days of massive light activations and light body integrations. Time lines shifted majorly post eclipse and this is our first new moon since! I haven't felt this level of activations since my initial kundalini. Everything within us thats dark and needs attention is beautiful shining forward with the assistance of Mercury who’s Virgos ruling planet and its shadow is departing today (with a bang). During the 8/8 lions gate portal I had heard "you're ready", so I knew I was in for a great ride. That said many who are on the train now are feeling the intensity and catching up in light speeds to fully anchor into their missions to assist the planet now. As an intuitive I kept hearing over again to do a soul retrieval and did just that. It brought up to the surface an old core wound from childhood that kept me in fight or flight, which is what this moon is surfacing with the help of Chiron who is directly opposite our sensitive virgo moon. This is showing us that we must go deeper within to seal the gaps from past pain and trauma in order to move forward and become aligned once again. When you hear the knock make sure you heed the advice coming to you. Spirit is always giving signs and nudges however it's up to us to follow and adhere to the calling. After all the insight we receive is to help us evolve higher so we can be of the highest service and to do that we must clear our own stuff while remaining present and anchored. The crystalline embodiment process into higher dimensions as well as this new moon is pulling up to the surface past victimization, old wounds and spiritual egos which are running rampant in many. We are all releasing all that we have previously handled with fear so its a great time of transmutation which can be very uncomfortable for many. To fully anchor 5th dimensional oneness we must acknowledge that we are all here for a purpose and on purpose with gifts that are unique and meant for us. Everyone is playing their roles perfectly thus eliminating the need for competition. That said, the Angels and ascended masters are fully present and watching us closely every step of the way. They are always reminding me tell everyone to ask for assistance first. Give them your concerns and worries, we aren't in this alone by any means. Physical symptoms have been heightened exponentially with the increasing activations as mentioned above and Virgo who is the ruler of health and healing, physical/body care is on the fore front as well as following gentle detox protocols which has been my personal theme for the last month. I had some reorganizational body work done and a massage last week to honor this vessel and appreciate all that it does for me. The zodiac sign of Virgo which is symbolized by the maiden or virgin was evident as I saw and felt Mother Mary come in during my massage as well as Mother Theresa right after. No surprise there as both are some of the highest embodiments of divine feminine guides I look up to with utmost reverence. Many of us second waivers have had so much cerebral education since 2012 and now it's time to integrate all we have learned into our physical bodies so we can literally and physically walk our talk. What are you doing to honor your vessel? Can you see how much progress you have made? I honor your journey. Thank you for reading and I send you all tons of love and light. In love, Sonya Art above by: http://www.paulkiritsis.net/img/uploads/2012/04/Virgo.jpg Talk about major trigger alerts! Every where I turn there is chaos. From the hurricanes to the fires in the US to floods all over, and today the earth quakes in MX. Having said this we can't forget the thousands of people being killed in Burma because of their religion.
Like most of you who are a part of my light tribe, I'm also ultra sensitive and stopped watching the news for years now. Even certain shows or movies are carefully examined before I let them in my consciousness. That said I am on facebook and I really love sharing and connecting with you all. The fact is that most of us are triggered now and experiencing massive ascension symptoms at the same time. We are in for a major cleansing all around guys so buckle in. All these recent events including cosmic/ the largest solar flares in fifteen years have really gotten to me and I'm not alone. So after pressure and throbbing in my head and TMJ in my jaws last few days from being exposed to so much distress and suffering I asked God what does all this mean? The answer is this... 1) We are here to experience all these events/ emotions to elevate us. 2) What is inside us is reflected outside. 3) It's time to walk our talk and connect to our heart center. We are having to face deeper buried chaos within so it can be transmuted into light this will not only help us but also help the collective to show up as well. Some major things we buried under the carpet that were unresolved are coming up for each and everyone of us to clear so we can finally show up, love more and do more. These un-addressed soul fragments from our past are asking us to get the deeper layers of karmic work done so we can show up fully for ourselves and others. In a nut shell...be the love, not just talk about love and light. Everything combined including global events are creating a host of physical symptoms that are asking us to go within and work on our shadow aspects which I posted about a few days ago. If you are feeling fearful its simply because there is a lack of trust and fear within. If it this is resonating with you then remember to hold on to your faith and trust. Two days before Mercury went direct I was left with a gift and spirit showed me something so vividly that I need to clear from childhood and working on now. I saw my self like a child from 30 years + ago, and felt the same feelings all over again which tells me its time to address some deeply suppressed emotions. This is something that was so huge and triggered me into flight or flight for decades. I have been working on myself since 2012 and thought most of these things were addressed however the deeper we walk the more layers we peel. Having said this each of us is experiencing perfectly what we need to deal with/work on. It's important for us to keep grounding and also continue to keep our spaces clear and continue to shield with golden light multiple times per day. As an example I play prayers every morning as well as use sage, palo Santo and incense every few hours and keep fresh flowers and plants in most spaces in the house. It's important as we work on ourselves we keep our vibrations high to avoid astral or lower entity attacks which can magnify at this time due to lower and fear based collective energies going around now from people being in a panic mode. Also the news outlets are doing what they are good at doing best ...sprinkling extra fear in as always. Use some discernment and if its too much to handle just shut it all out. You're not going to be able to help anyone if you cannot keep your own vibration elevated. Remember all is well and happening in divine order. The time to come together and do more is now. This is why we are here now. Thank you so much for reading! I send you all loads of love and remember this too shall pass. Take extra good care of yourselves. In love and oneness, Sonya ART: Harmony of wings by Carol Heyer Hey beautiful people!
I took a break from blogging for a minute because boy have I been integrating new beginnings this year and been very (internal) quiet as you may have noticed from my previous posts. Right before spring began (3/20/17) I kept getting nudges from my Angelic team to do a cleanse or a detox. I already eat a healthy and maintain an uber clean diet so I wasn't sure what I should do or how? The next day or so I got an email from Groupon and a sweet deal for colonics popped up like red blinking lights at a new spa close to my house. I was excited as its just what I needed for an optimal reset to purify and I booked a session! It wasn't my first time getting one so I wasn't that nervous. The place was great and the tech helping me was awesome! She also told me she's a 3rd generation colon hydro-therapist and knew all the in's and out's of them (no pun intended). I had a great experience and re-thought my orignal intention during the process and how great I will feel physically and energetically after a reset. Once I got home I felt a bit wiped out. If you haven't had a colonic before, feeling crampy, tired, and hungry is normal as you are clearing toxins, old matter and "crap" from your body for 30-45 mins with highly purified water. After the process it it advised to have a light meal like fruits or salads, and no meat or heavy food after for a day or two so your body can slowly acclimate to eating and digesting heavier foods again. I got back home relaxed for a while and decided to take a shower. I only had the water running and all of a sudden I felt weird and light headed. I immediately summoned the Angels. I started thinking to myself why did I go...I feel so awful...maybe I should have done a juice cleanse instead and that I trusted the Angels and higher guidance to do this in the first place, and all these negative stories full of doubt started running through my mind about side effects etc. So Im standing in the shower with only water running and looked up above my head to the top right side and I felt like I was teleported to an alternate reality. I felt like I was literally hallucinating in some magical cartoon type dream. I started seeing hundred of bubbles in rainbow colors above me floating and drawing me in. It was a glimpse into what people describe being in a 5D or higher holographic paradigm. WOW is all I can say even today. How beautiful, yet my mind thought what the what?! There were zero suds. I hadn't even grabbed the shampoo or body wash. At the time during the transmission or many in the metaphysical community refer to this as a 'download', my mind wasn't comprehending what was happening. As my left brain kicked in the bubbles slowly disappeared and I was left in awe and with many questions. The next day I went to my local Barnes and Noble book store and grabbed two books in front of me in the spiritual section. Yes, books do pick us, its not a myth. I have stopped questioning that bit now. I grabbed an Angel book by Doreen Virtue for fun, and one called "The cosmic cradle". I begin to read a few pages and BOOM! The prologue says how the author experienced soapy bubbles one day in the middle of her bedroom with faces of Angels in them! I can't recall the rest but this was exactly what I needed to read. How amazingly intelligent the universal or Angelic energies are I thought. I was happy and giddy. I told a friend how synchronistic certain events occur and I was literally blown away for a minute! She was just as excited and shared my joy filled experience. I thanked my team/ Angels for the download of energy and making their presence aware to comfort me that they are always near and make themselves shown just when I need confirmation and some hand holding. Folks! Magic is all around us and we are able to have more access to it when we open our spiritual eye. I am infinitely grateful and I cherish these moments, and hope to never forget these magical glimpses in to the fifth dimension or beyond... Thank you team! I love you! Sincerely, Sonya Good morning!!!
Woke up at 4:00 am with this intense new moon and solar eclipse energy in Pisces at 8 degrees. Pisces is the (12th) last sign of the zodiac and is a very wise sign having a lot of resonance with all the previous signs and carries wisdom and aspects from all. I have personally been seeing the numbers 888 last week non stop! The number 8 is a number of manifesting, abundance, and wisdom. Watery neptune which represents the house of Pisces is a key player in this eclipse sitting at 11 degrees which is a master number of service, awakening and enlightenment. Dreams anyone? Yeah..its been like watching a movie all night long for many nights now. That is neptune bringing out a lot of deep unconscious crud to become conscious in order to be acknowledged and be cleared out of our psyche. I've been saying for a while now thats its about owning it. All of you. The good, bad, and the ugly. What are you doing to raise your vibration and become a conscious citizen of the planet earth? Who will you be when you come undone? Or shall I say renewed... I did a quick meditation shortly after I awoke and some magical energies came through enabling me to be clear and get hyper focused on my goals. Listen to the messages you're receiving. Write them down in your journal. The time has come for you to allow to set the bar higher and step out of our comfort zones knowing fully well you are supported by the universe in every way. The last two weeks or so I have been receiving so much love plus encouragement from my team for the next level in my soul and career growth to be of service. These new beginning energies couldnt be happening at a more auspicious time. In my personal birth chart my north node is in Pisces and we won't have another solar eclipse in Pisces for another 19-20 years! This is all about SOUL growth for individuals and the collective. Personally I have been asking my Angels to support me in letting go of any fears that hold me back, and stepping in to my potential and feel so empowered and refreshed. I AM fully embodying my power and honoring the space I'm in. This moon is all about the new! New birthing within, expansion, getting out of your comfort zone, and manifesting all that you desire at rapid rates. Don't hold back. You are all of it. If you can see it, you can be it, and create it. Are you ready to step in your mastery and emerge out of your self created limitations of lack and unworthiness? Most of you have felt this jolt to move forward with compassion and new eyes of not only acceptance, but oneness and love. HELLO age of Aquarius! So excited for whats to come. What a wonderful to be here now. Infinite gratitude to the creator of all that is! In Love, Sonya This is a message for the new earth volunteers who are activated in this present incarnation and a part of this great shift we are facing.
Have you guys noticed the amount of light workers that are sprouting and emerging from amnesia? WOW! It's been happening at light speeds. This is a testament of current ascension transitions. I know the ups and downs in energy lately have not been easy and I havent been posting many updates due to going within and integrating being here in physical body, but not mentally 100% of the time. Some days I felt like I was floating and others my physical body needed a time out. At times words escape me when trying to describe this alchemical process that began for me after a crystalline body upgrade in 2014. In time I hope to be able to share more! Currently we are continuing to experience a lot of physical and vibrational changes...and each of us is at different levels of awareness which is perfect for where we need to be right now. The information is getting trickled down and downloaded slowly to keep from blowing our circuits. Having said that its a gradual process for many, and happening whether you can grasp it fully or not. Most of us have always known how highly evolved we are...and have tried to keep it under wraps to be invisible and fit in. I feel like the time has come for us to step up into our mastery- what ever that may mean for you in this present moment. As old timelines collapse most of us are getting innate nudges to get out there and spread our light and be of service, and just a quick reminder- there is no rush or a finish line to get to although it can feel like that at times. The key is to master yourself first. In due time you will know why you're here and will be able to hone in on your unique abilities! I'm always working on balancing inner and outer while keeping in mind I need to take breaks and enjoy my human existence as well. I've seen a lot of judgements surfacing within the light worker community about diets and comparisons which I wanted to point out. These projections are coming from separation and will not only keep ones vibration lowered, but keep energy stagnant. The important thing is to accept where you are right now and stay on course with your path of service whether you chose to eat meat or a vegan or a fruitarian! Enjoy life knowing your mission is getting accomplished when you are fully in your authenticity doing what you love no matter what your food choices are, and whether you are even getting paid for it right now or not. The message Ive been getting the last few days is that we are being asked to anchor down and shield as we shift with the earth, and become more aware of our own sensitivities and boundaries . Senses have been heightened lately and its been a challenge keeping my energy elevated. Collectively as we stay elevated and master ourselves, more gifts will unveil and thus we will begin to emerge in our mastery as healers and volunteers of the new earth. At the same time there are many I know who are retiring and allowing space for us new wavers to step forward in our individual light work. This is how wisdom has been passed down from teacher to student one generation after another and we merge those jewels along with our own unique prowess. Trust me...I'm in the same boat too...learning so much and acclimating daily in this new role with new eyes allowing what wants to be birthed from this temporary vessel. Thanks for reading! Surge of high energy love vibes coming in today. #Ageofaquarius #Ascension #Oneness ❤️🙌🏽🙏🏽❤️ Loads of love, Sonya Namaste all!
I wanted to share this yesterday, but currently leaving an ecceleration phase and in a heavy processing/ integration period and just too tired to make a video so here goes... Yesterday was winter solstice and I experienced some powerful symbolic events I wish to eleborate on. In the morning as I was driving my son to school I saw a dead Hawk on the road. Hawks/ Eagles are one of my animal totems. In fact in one of my past life regressions I saw myself in an Eagles nest being hatched amongst others.🦅 To me this symbolized my abilty to see from a higher, intuitive vantage point. Later at night I went to buy some holiday items to bake for a gift and driving home I spaced out (felt like I was being guided), and missed my turn. This rarely ever happens. I kept going forward to see a dead Deer on the side of the road. This too is one of my spirit animals and has been with me for a few years plus I'm also a Gemini and it's our birth totem according to Native American mythology. As I drove back towards home I saw a gorgeous male Deer with antlers looking directly at us and standing next to the other Deer. I slowed down to make sure he crossed and shared his pain. Animals live in the moment and are known to be true to their thoughts and feelings. This Deer certainly envoked deep feelings in me and I knew this was a significant moment as I thought deeper about the symbology of this. Was she his Sister? His Mother? His child? I still have chills as I write this. This was a moment of clarity and unity consciousness for me. What I mean by this is that we are all one. I am him and he is me sharing our emotions, exchanging energies and the need to be seen and ackowledged. We are all connected in some shape of form and in this very moment I had many realizations including that ascension is essentially a process of integrating as one consciousness with every being without separation. The saying "as above so below", is more tangible to me now because I dont view any event as a coincedental or just because. Every animal is a messenger that brings deeper meaning and messages from spirit which can come in many different forms. You can research the meaning online but each one is unique so tap in to see what you notice and which feelings are invoked within you, Are you aware and open to receiving these messages? Next time you might be much more aware. I understand with death comes rebirth and renewal and I was lucky to receive two powerful messages like these on winter solstice day which is the beginning of a period where we begin the rebirth process here in the nothern hemisphere. The moon is in Libra now and its the first day of winter today which means with the transformation of the season and the darkness outside, we are also rapidly experiencing the same shifts and being guided to turn within. Unfortunately unlike bears or other animals who hibernate we aren't able to go to sleep for a few months (sounds heavenly to me, hehe). Since we aren't designed to able to do that we can however take some time out for ourselves. I suggest listening to your bodies needs and resting more- without guilt! Journal, meditate, and just enjoy some quiet time with a cup or tea or warm soup and take some alone time to reflect. This will allow you to not only rejuvenate your spirit, but also spark insights of creativity for the coming months ahead. Maybe you have also been pushing aside some projects you can look back into re-seeding. Its the perfect time! What adds more power to the mix is that mercury is also in retrograde revealing our dark shadows from the underworld that we need to acknowledge and again look within to see what isn't serving us any longer. I use to not welcome mercury in the past, but I have a great respect for it now. So many hidden aspects and dark shadows surface to be looked at during this time. We need to understand that we are in a evolving purification process and we shift just like the seasons do in a syncronized dance we ebb and flow between light and dark. We are learning to master these changes with greater wisdom, and like the saying goes, we need to feel it to heal it. Everyone is becoming more aware and depending on our individual soul growth, the knock comes louder if we aren't paying attention to the signs or simply too busy in the rat race being led by what is expected of us vs. what we expect of ourselves. Moving on as mentioned above, talk about physical and mental exhaustion! Overall December energies have been very intense to say the least as we are all evolving at a rapid pace. We are now close to wrapping up this transformative and integrative year and completing 2016= the year nine cycle and preparing for 2017. I think its a great time to look at what you need to organize, and de-clutter and not wait for spring to do so. Why wait for tomorrow? Do it now. Create your own rituals and more importantly use your intuition and allow it to guide you. The Angels have also asked me to get rid of material items and anything that no longer serves me that could be of pratical use for someone else. I agree and that is my next step to make my energetic load lighter. My soul is ready yet the ego wants to hold on to "things" as a safety net which is a complete illusion that keeps you from growth. Im grateful have the awareness and I'm able to see through all this. After all we leave here with nothing but the memories and lessons we came here to learn and create with our loved ones. The time has come for us as a collective to look within and be spritual warriors receptive in this great time of change and be of service, and not only self serve which is very much a part of the 3rd dimensional density we are all collectively leaving behind! Hello 2017! Im excited, lets do this!!! Sending loads of love to all! Thanks for reading, Sonya Image from light force network Greetings Earthlings,
Some thoughts on my mind today! Thanks for reading. I made a video about portals/ gateway of 12/12/16. These are my thoughts post portal and super moon in Gemini and about entering our inner castle. Currenly we are starting a new cycle while we purge and integrate with higher levels of our own truth... The illusions are shattering one by one. We are entering a paradigm shift of higher knowing within our "knowing". The time has come to use our inner eyes and not accept mass truth of the collective as our own. I understand that the ultimate goal is to not have any attachments and by this I don't mean the obvious material or anything external we have been programmed to learn as being greater than our selves to fulfill our mortal egos. The illusions I'm talking about are on a cosmic level and much bigger than what is mentioned above and yet I never wanted to face it or look more deeply. I thought I would be questioning God and what I understand now is that we are not here to blindly follow! We must question what doesnt resonate and most importantly keeping our faith strong and the connection to God solid. While we are here on this planet to play, learn, and allow our minds and inner compass to expand beyond our taught limitations, we are being held back on a collective level. Our minds are being limited by outdated teachings that are not designed for us to reach what we are truly capable of. I didnt think like this before or have this level of awareness before my awakening. Im being downloaded with information beyond this 3rd dimentional earth based realm during my meditations and being taken to higher realms to bring certain knowledge back and... its just the beginning. This work requires a lot of dedication, going within= higher learning and externally= studying, and researching topics that enhance your spiritual, esoteric and supernatural aspects of your development relating to mind, body, and spirit. At the same time I dont want to give off the illusion that I have everything figured out because I don't, yet I AM learning at light speed. The universe is operating on the law of cause and effect and what I have written about above is a direct result of when we enter a new portal or doorway of higher consciousness/ greater awareness of who we think we are vs. who we truly are. I did deep dive into the astral realm last night (we all do this, however some are unaware) to wake up extremely exhausted, emotional and not having much strength to question anything today, and to simply surrender and trust the unknown. The answers will come when I least expect them and for now my Gemini mind is tired. I am exhausted, and in need of rest. We are collectively being guided to not only be free of past delusions and huge attachments outside of ourselves, but also to become fluid like water and surfboard through the waves all the while building more inner trust and faith that everything we truly ever need we have within! The universe supports us always in all ways. Let this sink in. In oneness, Sonya |