Energy Update/ Theme: EXPANSION!
There is an intense cosmic push coming in right now. An urge to get the message out. Whatever your message may be to serve and up lift humanity from the shadow veils of lies and deceit. Are you standing up for what you believe in? Are you living in your truth? This is for the collective not just those who are awakened. Creative channels or portals have opened up. Two of those outlets are through our hands and soles of feet. Envision releasing any old residual energies through these channels. I'm having dreams and visions non-stop of many creative ideas. It's probably a good time to write these down if you are as well. Crown/ head has been calibrating for most of us and since old, dense programming is exiting the higher frequencies are able to come in from the heavy clearing that has been taking place for the last few months. Headaches and feeling foggy is normal during these upgrades. We have collectively cleared and purged lifetimes of events and karmic debts in order to ascend to our higher calling. As we come close to the end of year it's time to button up any loose ends and most of the negativity and heavy load we have been carrying will be completed as that's what this year was designed to do. Remember you will accomplish what you're here to do. That's the way it's meant to be. Don't be hard on yourself, just put one foot in front of the other and keep shining. It doesn't matter if people don't undertand you or even this post. It's not my job to slow down my growth to make others feel comfortable. The time is now and we are the mystics and the alchemists here to make a difference. We must remember that to be the light and carry the light we must see the light in ourselves first, as that's how we can see it in others. Its easy to judge and call people sheep. Trust me in the past I've wanted to slap some people awake too, but it's about planting seeds. It's starts with love and living in your highest truth as your heart is here to share and partake in this wonderful expansive, collaboration. So without judgement and negativity keep on planting those seeds! Its is a great time of oneness and collective consciousness like I keep saying so keep on keeping on and spreading your light and your message. Angel numbers 333 and 444 will carry us this week. 🙏🏽 ArchAngel Sandalphon has had a heavy presence in my space as I wrote this. He's the ruling angel protecting and managing earth energies. Brilliant! Thank you for reading.
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Waking up this morning and feeling a heartfelt explosion coming from my heart center. It's a feeling of immense happiness and unconditional love for everyone! This tells me that the energy in my forth chakra is flowing and expanding as I am living my truth and allowing my higher self to guide me. Hence the need to write...
I haven't slept much as I'm feeling the intensity of the super moon in Taurus happening tomorrow, but I'm feeling the need to share this for anyone who is upset or suffering in any way. Come back to center. Remove the judgements. Put aside the fear and ego and water the flowers in your heart then watch them bloom with gratitude, peace, and love for the divine. Through that comes clarity of oneness without any division or separation. Ive been mentioning this for a while now and its truly where the magic happens. It all starts with love! We can read all about it and go through a hundred books, but that's all in hopes that we could have a chance to experience it ourselves. As human beings we live for the experience, to feel that high like we were children waiting to get on a roller coaster and feel the exhilaration and excitement because we felt free for those two minutes. What if we could feel like all that time? Is it possible? Yes, it is and its about aligning with your Anahata (Sanskrit), heart chakra energy center which happiness, compassion, and love emanates from. The heart also manages sadness, sorrow, and loss so its a balancing act like everything else in life.. Let the past go, its time. Forgive and move on or hold on and stay stuck- its your choice. The more you unblock repressed memories from pain and trauma the more your heart chakra will open and illuminate. I think the key here is feeling whats coming up while you're reading this without judgments and letting it pass. Our heart takes on so much 24-7! When is the last time you took a few minutes out to thank your precious heart for beating and pumping blood to keep you alive? The secret to living a happy life is living from your heart, not your head. The more we live in our truth and become honest with our selves the more connected we are able to become. As humans we make mistakes and get side tracked often and go back to our heads which creates separation, misjudgments, and lack of empathy if you're not consciously aligned with the flow. Ive been thinking about this so much lately in the midst of the elections and people going nuts over the verdict. We are responsible and have the power to manage our own energy and light. So with all this external chaos how can you open your heart center and allow the energy to flow? *Smile more. Compliment yourself and others more. Watch how that energy carries you through the entire day. *Think of the color Green its the color associated with the 4th chakra. You can carry a green stone like Jade, Green Aventurine, Moss Agate, Malachite to name a few. I have been wearing a green onyx bracelet daily for many years now. Its very special to me. *Get out in nature...breathe and absorb the sunlight and greenery from the trees and truly embrace the gift of being here another day. *When you meditate set an intent and keep picturing a lotus flower opening as if its your heart. *You are what you eat! Eat more greens, and add Spinach and Kale to your diet. The more greens the better. Your heart will thank you for it. Promise! :) I know a few people who exemplify very high vibrations and its obvious to me that their heart center is fully open and operating with brilliant levels of love. Its a true gift! Being around them and watching their light is contagious and wondrous and where I hope to be every day. So let's come back to our heart center today and see the beauty in everything and everyone even for a few moments. Im sending you all so much love! In love, Sonya Happy 11/11 🙏🏽 11:11 everyone! So many are getting attracted to this time on the clock, messages in dreams, or on sign posts, or license plates.
11/11 is an archetypical portal or a door way into inter-dimensional travel and access to higher consciousness which I have been talking about for quite some time now. Are you able to connect the dots now? Did you know that Pythagoras (Ancient Greek mystic) was a major proponent of oneness which he termed the word, "monad". This can also be referred to as your soul, higher self, and spirit. He worked on a numeration system and theorized that everything in life and everything was derived from the number one and out of one came everything else. Most of us got the call during 12/12/12 when we were activated in the second wave of ascension as helpers an emissaries of truth here on the planet now to bring change. It's a major time of expansion and growth for Gaia and all her children! It's a big day to manifest and ask the universe for guidance towards your path as light workers and evolutionary change agents so keep your thoughts positive, and manifest abundance for all that your heart desires. Time is speeding up and the veil is getting thinner. We are being encouraged to shed love and light and come together as a human race no longer being categorized and divided. Angelic guidance and communication from our invisible support system is heightened for those who are in tune. They are always there, but since we have free will here on earth we need to ask them to step in. What to do next? Follow your calling and listen to your intuition! Most of us have been tip toeing into 5D and the signs have been obvious. We are living in the greatest age of transformation in the history of civilization. It hasn't been an easy we are being initiated and we are being tested, yet there is this sense of inner knowingness and peace within. I feel so blessed to be here now! What a journey, what a gift...I feel closer to the creator than ever, and trust that all is happening in divine order. Thoughts, comments, or feed back? Would love to hear. In love, Sonya IMAGE BY: @Karl_Shakur on IG WOW! Sh*t is hitting the fan this week. We have a few more months left until we head towards 2017!!! Are we there yet? ARGH!
The theme of this year in numerology is the number 9- a year of completion, and boy are we moving at the speed of light. While Im working on being present and in the moment daily, there are a few things I need to get off my chest, thus an energy update from yours truly! The last super moon in Aries on 10/15 was wild! Talk about intense (Scorpio) energy coming full speed ahead and I can feel it strongly. Today was rough! Physical symptoms for me were headaches, fatigue and feeling off balance. Remember we all have different effects from cosmic energies. The more sensitive and aware, the more you will feel it. People were calling me from everywhere needing to talk and be heard. I've noticed a theme and surge of old 'Mommy Issues' surfacing. I think this has to do with Libra in Scorpio and dealing with relationship issues. Anything that has been brushed aside or been ignored is arising and this could be from our ancient past called childhood (hehe). Call it a shedding process or some buried issues are knocking loudly to be addressed! Some are leaving toxic relationships and some quitting jobs/ leaving careers to follow their hearts and trusting the universe to guide them. Im leaving a career in the mortgage and real estate industry after 10 years to follow my calling. So trust me when I say, 'we are all in this soul growth and evolution process together'! To me its a process of rapid growth as we learn to get out of our heads and into our hearts. Going back to relationships...One of our most sacred relationship is the one with our parents or parent if you only had one. When we were growing up our parents were looked up to as our deities and the most important people in our lives. Of course! They made us, fed us, clothed us and obviously raised us for so many years. As we go inward in this journey and work on our internal issues a lot of the things we experienced in childhood get magnified if not addressed, and continue to urge us to break free from the ancestral beliefs and their negative habits we unconsciously follow. Sorry to disappoint you, but no human being is perfect. We were little sponges and not everything was positive and chipper so naturally we absorbed what we saw to then energetically carry it forward in our day to day lives with our own children, spouses, partners, and the ones closest to us. We unconsciously emulate what we learned, and its a real gnarly process to unlearn and re-set. (Been there, doing that). This is why I personally love using EFT, and cannot wait until I get certified to practice this modality. Its such an awesome technique to clear blocks and its a fast, effective process. Don't get me wrong...Im not blaming anyone. I think they did the best they could in what they thought was suitable at that time. However, there isn't one person I have met who isn't dealing with or has dealt with past parental issues from childhood in one form or another. We have taken on so much, and its time to shed and release this week- once again. Talk about a beat down!... Im dealing with some immune system issues at the moment post root canal, and its coming from the left side of my body and that side is energetically known to represent the feminine. Im trying to see what this moon is telling me and looking within to see what is needed to upgrade or on the flip side, let go of. This could be diet for some or changing an old toxic pattern. Some just need a reboot to get stagnant feelings out. This is why energy clearing is so necessary and loved by many. I also think journaling is very important. Morning pages is a concept introduced by author Julia Cameron, and done in long hand when you wake up first thing in the morning and write your feelings down on three pieces paper. This causes you to de-clutter your subconscious mind and gain greater clarity as you go on with each day. I love reading my old journals! They show me how far I have come. Even though I'm feeling awful due to being on antibiotics (after four years) and wondering if being ultra sensitive is a good thing or a curse, Im slowly rising in my divine feminine power. My moon is in Aries and I wasn't aware that the fire within me would get ignited to reveal the shadow self which are hidden aspects of ego and 'I WANT IT DONE MY WAY' stubbornness. The human belief system is the most complex form of separation ever invented to keep you from experiencing your authentic self, and change starts with looking within and peeling the masks. Lets not forget our favorite three letter word- EGO who shows up un-annouced. I'm not going to lie, my ego self has been going through the ringer last few days. FUN! The thing about being awakened is that since it is an ongoing purification process you will get the rug pulled from underneath your feet when you least expect it, thus pushing or forcing you to realign. For now Im listening to my higher self and going within. I need a few days of rest, recovery, and surrender to the unknown mystery once again. If you're going through it or clearing, I suggest an energy cleansing guided mediation and a detox bath. Also, don't forget to pat yourself on the back- You are a warrior! Detox bath suggestion: 2 cups epsom 1 cup baking soda Few drops of essential oil like Lavender or Frankincense Sending lots of love, Sonya *Also the Orionid meteor shower has been taking place since 10/2. The shower is expected to peak October 20th (tonight) and early morning of October 21st. Happy Star gazing folks! Photo artist: Unknown Greetings everyone!
I hope everyone is doing great! Here is my first audio blog about Crystals. I love them and you will see why in the audio below... We are collectively moving from dense- carbon base to light body- crystalline based so we can assess higher realms and do what we need to do with greater ease here on this earth based mission. The crystalline upgrade I received (didn't know what happened at the time) greatly helped elevate my frequency to contain more light and channel pure love through my heart center which is one of the biggest reasons for light workers who chose to incarnate now. I hope you enjoy listening, and learn a bit about them that maybe you didn't know before. Have you had any cool metaphysical experiences around crystals? Have you had a light body/ DNA upgrade? Feel free to share, I would love your feed back. Sending lots of love and light. Sonya Photo below is of my Agate Geode :) Happy Full Moon in Aries! This is my moon sign in my birth chart. It's a fire sign and all about strength and moving forward in your power! I went in this morning for a root canal surgery on my premolar #13. In Tarot #13 means death or transition, and I think it's Phoenix burning and rising from the fire once again. Only through death can we have rebirth spiritually and energetically. Angel number 13 according to Joanne Scribes who has a site that decodes Angel numbers says the number 13 brings "vibrations of new beginnings, striving forward, motivation and progress, attainment and fulfilment, uniqueness and individuality". The procedure this morning lasted 2.5 hours and so painful! I kept seeing myself walking through a new door while clenching on to my black tourmaline in hand. When the dentist went in to kill the nerve I felt it and started shaking for 10 minutes. It was excruciatingly traumatic. She had to keep numbing me as she was using mild anesthesia due to my thyroid and being ultra sensitive (I haven't taken pain meds in over 4 years). I tried every natural home remedy possible! From oil pulling daily to colloidal silver to oil of oregano rinses. Apparently it was too late for me to heal it naturally and I had to go with the last option. I will be talking about how to have healthy teeth/gums the holistic way in the 'health in wealth' section on my blog asap!
Everything happens for a reason and somehow this had to take place and get completed today on the full/ super moon, forcing me to leave the old and dead behind including any health blocks that were holding me back due to this tooth being infected for quite a long time. Not only do I need to process and integrate this, but I see myself healing completely and moving forward full speed ahead with my life's mission to heal and help others and it has been declared-so shall it be. Remember healed people heal people. My soul is so deep that most of the time I'm misunderstood and judged for being too extreme about health and the standard of care thats available for people today. I'm not here as follower, but rather a way shower of strength and transformation. I continue to embrace my daily changes and lovingly examine the new facets of my gem being polished brighter and more radiant every day! I thank you for reading and being a part of my journey. ❤️ Photo from Chani Nicolas Thank you everyone for your encouragement and thoughtful comments! 🙏🏽
I love the number 10, its such a powerful number with a high vibration. I see 10:10 or 10:01 on the clock all the time lately. The number 10 represents new beginnings, great responsibility, and alignment with life mission. 10 energy represents power and the presence is peace. According to Joanne Scribes, "Number 10 reduces to the single digit of 1 (1+0=1). Number 1 resonates with the attributes of self-leadership and assertiveness, new beginnings and motivation, activity and progress, achievement and success. Number 1 also reminds us that we create our own realities with our beliefs, intentions and actions. Number 0 is the number of the ‘God’ force and Universal Energies and reinforces, amplifies and magnifies the vibrations of the numbers it appears with. Number 0 also relates to developing one’s spiritual aspects". I literally woke up yesterday, knew I was supported by the universal energies and took the plunge to get the video out, after all I knew 10/10 was a huge karmic portal day, and one of the intentions that I set was to talk about out about my work. It was a pretty big deal making my first video considering I didn't even wash my face lol. Many of us get stuck in the ego cycle of what do I look like or will people judge me? Being authentic is when we have truly accepted ourselves and the masks slowly begin falling off. It's when you realize you are a limitless being, and you are the only one that's holding yourself back based on old stories and negative blocks that you may not even realize are holding you back. Rebirth can be's not easy I know I have walked through it and will continue to, but remember you are never alone. Post awakening I have been introduced to my team of guides and have communication with the Angelic realm on a daily basis. Having said that we are spiritual beings having a human experience yet we aren't taught that anywhere. We are collectively so far disconnected from ourselves and that is the agenda for certain people in power. The time has come for us to unite and go back to the truth of who we are. Who we were born to be and to SHINE! We are all here on the earth now for a reason and each one is unique- after all you chose this experience. We have free will on this planet and if you want to make a change you can make it happen! This whole process thus far on my journey has led me to know who I really am- THE REAL ME. How special is that? Im not here to make you see through my lens- it took me 37 years to get here and this is just the beginning! I'm here to help you tune in to your inner guidance and deeper knowing. Are you listening to them? Those little flashes of insights are messages from beyond. Do you follow your gut or continue to justify instead? Are you open to miracles? Don't let fear or anything else hold you back. You are more loved and supported than you can even imagine. Thank you and I love you all. 🌸✨💕✨🌸 Sonya Guidance for thirsty spiritual seekers...
The path of a spiritual awakening is a pathless path. Its a journey of immense growth and of death. The image I’m getting is of Ourborous. Its a greek mythical creature who is in a circular position and has its tail in its mouth portraying renewal and the cycle of life. The name originates from within the Greek language; (oura) meaning "tail" and (boros) meaning "eating", thus "he who eats the tail". To me this represents what goes around comes around. You can’t have one without the other as we are always in constant motion of out with the old and in with the new. You will die many times here in this life, and will continue to purify and will be re-born over and over again to return back to your original child like self, without fear, worry or limitations. Having said this there isn’t an indefinate goal or a finish line…its a journey! Below is a general overview of some things that have made a big difference in my own life. Im sharing that which I know and hope you can resonate and can incorporate them in your own life if you don't already. Observe: One of my teachers taught me something quite simple. Observe without judgment. This is about how we observe others as well. That which we see in others, we see in ourselves. We tend be our own hardest critics. Think of the all times we talk down to ourselves and put our selves last. You cannot reach your interior castle if you treat yourself like you’re worthless and expect to receive gifts from source unless you truly and deeply start accepting yourself. This process begins with being honest or I like to say ‘coming undone’. It can take years, and requires lot of looking within, but there are modalities that can help you get to the core of the issue fairly quickly. Thats the beauty of living in this day and age, if you're ready and open it doesn't need to take 20 years to figure it out alone. I am learning to love myself more and more and it starts with looking in reverse, having deep compassion for yourself and seeing how brave and how far you have come. Its all starts with love and being honest and of course no judgement. Humans have a tendency to always look at the negatives first. This doesn't help. So lets start trying another method and see the positive changes. Exercise: What are three things that come up when you look in the mirror? Be honest. This is a good gage on what you have to start working on. Allow: It takes awareness and a lot of work to be able to flow with the waves and allow whatever is coming up emotionally or physically to pass. When we have resistance and are trying to control the issue and judge rather than observe, these emotions get trapped in our bodies and will cause blocks in your energy system. If left idle, these can often manifest in pain and dis-ease. The key here is to allow and not have attachment. If you get caught in a negative or heavy situation, allow your feelings to surface and see which part of your body you are feeling them in. Without judgment and playing the story in your head feel into that area. Allow, and it will release. Surrender: There is a level of inner surrender that is required once you ask the universe for support. Its literally getting out the way and trusting! As you seek and ascend, your strength and limits will be tested. You will be faced to look deep within your core and make peace with the good, the bad, and the ugly as they say. These words themselves are so harsh yet are used in our daily language. What if we didn’t judge using this words? Words hold a lot of power which gets programmed into our cells. What if we just observed when feelings or old memories surfaced? What if we stopped using the concept of right and wrong as a gage and just lived in the now? We are all here to be better versions of ourselves and learn from one another. As one gets confident with themselves and builds a level of inner trust we begin to understand and realize everything that is happening is for our higher good and happening on purpose for us to expand our consciousness and navigate this realm without having multiple attachments (can be psychic hooks), old stories, and out dated child hood programming holding us back. Love and light, Sonya Image artist unknown- found on Healer
noun [ C ] US /ˈhi·lər/ A person or thing that heals: You might have noticed by now that there is a massive shift happening on our planet. A lot of our purposes are being or have been revealed. The veil is being lifted and we are beginning to see with our inner eyes, and not the lies we were manipulated to believe. Healers come to this planet with specific instructions on which areas they will be helping out in, you can also call them volunteers in the word healer doesn't resonate. Deep down they have known this all along and often there is a breakthrough or a specific/ perfect time when their soul is in alignment and ready to move forward. I'm sure you have heard now more than ever about shamanic, reiki, theta, medical intuitives, mediums and various other healing modalities. Each of these healing modalities have multiple layers within them and most people on this path have crossed many roads to find their specific calling and purpose and go through an intense inner training to be here as a guide/ channel to facilitate others growth. This process can take years to hone and craft one's skills. The journey of evolving, unraveling and shedding is not easy by any means. Once the awakening process begins (often this can be very difficult) You can lose yourself, friends, your old way of life, and the rebirth journey or metamorphosis begins. There can be long periods of darkness or dark night of the soul, but only to reveal the most brightest light and gifts from source that money can't buy. We start moving into higher frequencies and moving up from 3D into the 4th and 5th dimensional energies. You have access to new abilities and again it takes practice, confidence and guidance to hone in on your new life path. Anyone who has had a traumatic awakening and a massive shift in consciousness knows first hand that the strongest souls have signed up for this task and are the ones who have endured many hard ships, family issues, health issues, a lot of death and overall struggle to finally wake up to become who they are. I have read so much about kundalini and spiritual awakenings, but the truth is everyone has their own unique version and its structured to purify your worldly ego and lead you through a divinely guided path ultimately to help others. I hope you will join me on this journey of awakening as I share my story, and my hope is that you will learn and be guided on a soul level how to navigate if and when you go through a similar experience. Love and Light, Sonya ENERGY UPDATE/ Fall Equinox:
Hey Tribe..welcome and many thanks for reading my first blog post! I know most of us have been exhausted lately and feels like we are walking though molasses. Headaches, anger, frustration and so many moods..some that belong to us and others not so much. The pot was at a boiling point internally for me the last few days. I was seeing random images in my mind of fire burning, and I kept thinking of the Phoenix emerging from the fire. To me this signifies old toxic energy thats being cleared. The energies have been very heavy lately post the full moon/ eclipse, and a lot of old things came up to the surface to be cleared to create balance and harmony in order to elevate us. For me personally a fearful memory from when I was 7 years old came up as clear as day to be transmuted into light. As we ascend and expand our consciousness, our light body continues to clear and cut cords so we can de-program our deeply embedded subconscious beliefs that carry fear, negativity or anything thats holding us back. Moving ahead...tomorrow not only does mercury go direct, but we welcome Fall equinox. My favorite time of the year!!! :) Equinox is the time when day and night are the same. It is a time of balance and integration of the light and dark dynamic and receptive parts of you. It is always good to honor yourself and nature by acknowledging these 4 important shifts (seasons) of the natural balance. Remember we are not to be in bloom all year round so honor yourself as we begin the shedding process just like the leaves are starting to turn and fall. Rebirth is not too far away. As long as we are here on earth this dance shall continue. Ive been honoring my physical body by going to the gym and doing yoga daily. Remember to be mindful, drink a lot of water, write down positive affirmations, and do something that makes you feel good daily. In love, Sonya |